Hello! My name is Paul Akiki, and I'm a Christian and a computer scientist from the Land of the Cedars, Lebanon. I'm an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Notre Dame University – Louaize. I teach a variety of computer science courses, which are listed here.
I hold a PhD degree from the School of Computing and Communications at The Open University in the United Kingdom. My research work is in the field of Software Engineering with a focus on adaptive software systems. My research publications are listed here.
My work also involves academic services such as advising undergraduate computer science students, coordinating multi-section courses, and participating as a member of committees in the department curriculum committee and outcome assessment committee.
I have a diverse set of skills and experience in designing and developing desktop, web, and mobile applications. A set of selected software projects that I've worked on are listed here. My mother tongue is Lebanese (Arabic). I'm primarily English-educated, and French is my second foreign language.
PhD in Computer Science
Master of Science in Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
2023 – Present
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
2023 – Present
2011 – 2019, 2023
Computer Science Instructor
2011 – 2019, 2023
2009 – 2011
Software Developer
2009 – 2011
Academia: Teaching
- All
- Sophomore
- Junior
- Senior
Program Design and Data Abstraction I - II
These two courses introduce the fundamentals of computer programming as well as software design and development from an object-oriented perspective using the C++ language.
Computer Programming I - II
These two courses introduce the fundamentals of computer programming as well as software design and development from an object-oriented perspective using the VB.NET language.
Introduction to Databases
This course covers fundamental concepts related to designing and implementing databases (tables, relationships, and queries) using the SQL Server database management system.
Data structures
This course covers different data structures with an emphasis on complexity analysis. Topics include algorithm analysis, linked lists, stack, queue, set, map, trees, heaps, hashing, sorting, and graphs.
System Analysis and Design
This course provides a comprehensive coverage of traditional structured analysis, object-oriented concepts, and agile methods approach of systems analysis and design.
Web Design and Internet Computing
These two courses cover building web applications using both client-side (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap) and server-side (SQL Server and ASP.NET using C#) technologies.
Parallel and Distributed Computing
This course introduce the fundamentals of parallel and distributed computing. Topics include concurrency, asynchrony, parallel programming, GPU programming, MPI, Apache Spark and Kafka.
Introduction to Image Processing
This course introduces the fundamentals of image processing. Topics include image enhancement, color models, image and video compression, morphological processing, and segmentation.
Senior Study
This course involves the design, implementation, and documentation of software applications under the supervision of a faculty member, as well as writing a report and presenting the work.
Academia: Publications
- All
- Journal
- Conference
- Workshop
- Book Chapter
Resources Don't Grow on Trees: A Framework for Resource-Driven Adaptation
Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), Elsevier
Modelling Software Tasks for Supporting Resource-Driven Adaptation
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), Springer
SERIES: A Task Modelling Notation for Resource-driven Adaptation
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS)
Work With What You've Got: An Approach for Resource-driven Adaptation
IEEE Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems Companion (ACSOS-C)
Towards an Approach for Resource-Driven Adaptation
ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE)
EUD-MARS: End-user Development of Model-driven Adaptive Robotics Software Systems
Science of Computer Programming (SCP), Elsevier
A Real-Time Merging Process for Multi-view Video Coding
IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON)
A Two-Stage Encoding Scheme for Holographic Data Transmission
IEEE FTRA International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE)
Industry: Skills
Programming Languages
C#, C++, JavaScript, VB.NET
.NET, Bootstrap
Integrated Development Environment
Visual Studio
Source Code Editors
Visual Studio Code, Notepad++
Database Management Systems
SQL Server, SQLite, Access
Query Languages
ORM and Data Access Frameworks
Dapper, ADO.NET, Entity Framework
Markup and Style Languages
Web Technologies
jQuery, AJAX
Modeling Languages
Modeling and Diagramming Tools
StarUML, Visio, Draw.io
Reporting Tools
Crystal Reports
Industry: Selected Software Projects
Aliment Plus (Nutrition Management)
This software application supports dietitians in managing their daily clinical activities, as well as generating diets with balanced values of the nutrients.
Jasmine (Cash Flow Management)
This software application offers an innovative UI and reports for allowing an enterprise to manage its cash flow.
Argus (ERP System)
This ERP system manages various enterprise activities by offering modules such as Accounting, Inventory, Sales, Purchases, Payables, and Receivables.
DenPro (Dental Practice Management)
This software application supports dentists in managing their daily dental practice activities.
Notre Dame University – Louaize, Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon
+961 9 218950 (ext. 2083)
Bible passage of the day
The Judgment of Jesus' Word (John 12 : 44 - 50)
44And Jesus cried out and said, "Whoever believes in me, believes not in me but in him who sent me. 45And whoever sees me sees him who sent me. 46I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness. 47If anyone hears my words and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. 48The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day. 49For I have not spoken on my own authority, but the Father who sent me has himself given me a commandment--what to say and what to speak. 50And I know that his commandment is eternal life. What I say, therefore, I say as the Father has told me."